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by KindMeal.my
Cute bees buzzing around the garden!
View Video 28 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Hyderabad Recipes is an Indian fine dining restaurant serving authentic Haleem, Biryanies, BBQ, Indian breads and desserts. Feast on the best Hyderabadi cuisine, including the "World's Favorite Biryani" in a comfortable and family-friendly environment! Enjoy 20% off now:
View Article 28 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
This donkey got hit by a car but was too scared to move away. He was so grateful when rescuers finally showed up!
View Video 27 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in chewy & fragrant fried carrot cake, rich & creamy almond dessert, black sesame mochi balls at Vegipai 新素派! Enjoy 20% off:
View Article 26 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
This little fish evolved without eyes to stay in the dark.
View Video 26 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Creamylicious green curry at Fa Ying Thai Fare & Cafe, served in a generous portion packed with vegetables! Experience it at 40% off:
View Article 26 May 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
There is nothing as sweet as freedom. Watch as this pig enjoys her freedom for the very first time. 🐷💞 via Viva!
View Video 28 May 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Scared and alone. Taken from his mom before he even had a chance to know her. And now he waits for an unimaginably cruel and brief future. Ask yourself, is this ok? photo via Andrew Skowron
View Article 27 May 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Despite what the meat industry wants you to believe, eating animals isn't actually good for you. 🤷‍♀️
View Article 26 May 2018
by Animal Equality
For too long McDonald's has valued profits over basic animal protections. Please share this post and visit McChickenCruelty.com to learn more about our campaign.
View Article 25 May 2018
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