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by KindMeal.my
Immerse yourself within Cafe etc.'s cozy, creative environment at Chinatown! Indulge in assorted mushroom bagel, spaghetti pomodoro, omelette, wild mushroom salad, decadent cakes and desserts. Enjoy up to 25% off:
View Article 20 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Meet these lovely best buddies — Buckley the cow & Ralphy the goat!
View Video 20 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Seeking a light meal? Vegipai 新素派 offers a wide variety of fresh, healthy options for you! Try them at 20% off:
View Article 19 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Meet the Pyrenean desman — a small, aquatic ball of fur with a snorkel-like nose, webbed feet, and a scaly tail.
View Article 19 May 2018
by KindMeal.my
Delicious Egg in Nest at Paleolicious, with slices of sweet potatoes baked together with eggs! Enjoy it at 20% off:
View Article 19 May 2018
by Vegan.com
Why is the dairy industry facing hard times? Seems like the main reason is it can't compete on flavor against new vegan alternatives: "More than anything, almond milk drinkers say their top reason for choosing it is simply taste preference."
View Article 20 May 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Olympian Dotsie Bausch chats with Vegan Magazine on training, protein & her work with us to end the high-speed slaughter of pigs. #NotSoFastUSDA:
View Article 20 May 2018
by Vegan.com
Even if you don't stick with it, by trying out a vegan(ish) diet for a few weeks you'll learn all sorts of valuable things that will stick with you for life. And this is the easiest time of year to do it—practically everything is in season!
View Article 19 May 2018
by Animal Equality
Choosing plant-based options helps prevent more of this from happening. What are your favorite non-dairy products?
View Article 19 May 2018
by Vegan.com
USDA leadership might be the sleaziest and most anti-animal it's ever been. And that's really saying something.
View Article 18 May 2018
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