by KindMeal.my
This duck dreamed of being a dog — and now her dog siblings accept her as one of their own 💞
by KindMeal.my
Let A Pie Thing's pie keepers serve you delicate tasty pies filled with scrumptious delights. Available at Damansara Utama and Sunway outlets. Enjoy 20% off signature meat-free pies now:
by Compassion Over Killing
What an inspiring rescue! This sweet whale was completely trapped in gillnet, which is used by the commercial fishing industry and causes great harm to marine life. All animals value their lives. 🐋❤️
by Compassion Over Killing
We're putting the truth on display! COK, along with a coalition of other animal protection orgs, has placed an ad in Times Square showing the appalling cruelty to chickens at McDonald's 🙌 TAKE ACTION: truthaboutmcdonaldschicken.com
by Compassion Over Killing
🚨ACT NOW🚨: Sign the petition to urge the U.S. Department of Agriculture to put the brakes on the high-speed, reduced-inspection slaughter program:
by Vegan.com
The meat industry is a top menace to our environmental future, and the public is finally catching on.
by Compassion Over Killing
“Can you go meatless? You might just be inspired to, after this show.” COK’s Erica Meier talks with Industry Night with Foodie and the Beast’s Nycci Safier Nellis! Listen here:
by Animal Equality
#ICYMI our joint coalition ad has launched in Times Square and exposes the truth about cruelty in McDonald's supply chain. Learn more about how you can help these chickens:
by Animal Equality
We can prevent these nightmares from ever starting by choosing plant-based options. --> LoveVeg.com 🌱
by Vegan.com
I think we're reaching the point where a campaign to ban eating crab and lobster eating could be winnable. Nearly everybody would agree that boiling animals alive is horrifically cruel. Here's the classic essay on the ethics of eating lobster.