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by KindMeal.my
Sammy is a 200-pound mastiff who is so sweet and protective around his little rescue goat buddy!
View Video 29 April 2018
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in VCR's creamy cakes & portobello mushroom quiche, paired with a cup of aromatic coffee. Don't miss out on VCR Bangsar's signature Polenta Shrooms too, topped with hazelnuts, seasonal mushrooms & sourdough crumble. Enjoy up to 30% off:
View Article 28 April 2018
by KindMeal.my
Mama bears do whatever they can for their cubs — including acting as a comfy float! ❤️
View Video 28 April 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
They love and they grieve when they lose the ones they love-- just like us. Please see them as the individuals they are and choose compassion. <3
View Video 28 April 2018
by Vegan.com
Most people need to eat far more plants, and a vegan diet is one of the most reliable ways to make that happen.
View Article 28 April 2018
by Vegan.com
Our introduction to the thinking behind animal rights and animal welfare can take your animal advocacy to the next level. It's an incredibly important read for anyone truly serious about protecting animals.
View Article 28 April 2018
by Animal Equality
This is the reality faced by cows in the cruel dairy industry!
View Article 28 April 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
On Fusion's "Food Exposed," host Nelufar Hedayat talks to a COK investigator & uncovers the truth behind Big Dairy's closed doors.
View Video 28 April 2018
by Animal Equality
Together with The Humane League, we are exposing the truth to help the millions of animals who suffer for McDonald's menu items!
View Video 28 April 2018
by Vegan.com
If you're going to do any world travel this year, be sure to pick up this 200-page vegan travel guide on Kindle for just $2.99, newly updated and expanded for 2018.
View Article 28 April 2018
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