by KindMeal.my
This wild horse was rounded up by the U.S. government — but he hit the jackpot when his new mom adopted him. Now he gives her hugs and lets her ride him while he's swimming!
by KindMeal.my
Jamaica Blue Malaysia serves you classic dishes with a contemporary twist, paired with award-winning coffee. Pamper yourself with healthy, meat-free mueslis, toasts, big breakfasts, salads, snacks and smoothies now. Enjoy 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
Ruth and Sonia visited a porcupine named Sharpie, and things got a little prickly.
by KindMeal.my
Fred the tortoise battled starvation and pneumonia after losing her shell in a bushfire. See how scientists stepped in.
by Compassion Over Killing
Animal Rights 2018 National Conference #ar2018 is right around the corner and today is the LAST DAY to get tickets at the Advanced Registration rate. Sign up today and save: ARConference.org/register
by Compassion Over Killing
Can you imagine the fear, pain, and sadness this individual endured simply so someone could eat her body? 💔 No one deserves this. Please, choose compassion: tryveg.com via Best Video You Will Ever See
by Compassion Over Killing
Victory! ✊ If passed in North Carolina, companies could bring civil suits against employees, investigators, or journalists who record images or video of the atrocities committed in the agribusiness industry and share their findings with the public or the press.
by Vegan.com
Just two vegan cookbooks can take you a LONG way. Start with one of the Easy Everyday cookbooks listed here, and also pick up whichever cookbook represents your favorite world cuisine.
by Vegan.com
I'm back on the Our Hen House podcast to discuss what went into writing the most important page on Vegan.com—my new "Why Choose Vegan" essay. You can read the essay here:
by Compassion Over Killing
Spoiler alert Tyson Foods: there is no such thing as a happy chicken that is being raised for food/eggs.