by KindMeal.my
Male fireflies broadcast a light signal that’s code for their species.
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in authentic Siccilian-style square pizzas, salads and pastries at Cubes Pizza Malaysia, prepared with hand-kneaded dough, homemade sauces and savory Italian spices. Partying in a group? Share the joy with a whopping 3-foot long pizza — The BIG ONE! Enjoy 30% off:
by KindMeal.my
No, this is not a malfunctioning toy. 😅
by KindMeal.my
visits V Kitchen Restaurant for their delicious meals served in generous portions! Try it at 20% off:
by Animal Equality
For too long McDonald's has valued profits over basic animal protections. Rather than commit to meaningful animal welfare standards, McDonald’s continues to drag its feet. It’s time for them to change.
by Compassion Over Killing
“If we want to create a better world for all animals, including people, we need to fight for justice on all fronts.” ✊ -Powerful new interview with COK's Erica Meier by Dr. Bronner's
by Vegan.com
If you aren't eating some nuts every day, there's a surprising amount of evidence that you're missing out on some great benefits.
by Compassion Over Killing
Exciting news! Sponsor and Exhibitor registration for COK's DC VegFest 2018 is now OPEN: Sign up today at Event.DCVegFest.com! #DCVegFest2018
by Vegan.com
Every time there's a new way for the meat industry to throttle back on the harm it causes, they go the other direction.
by Vegan.com
Women are still underrepresented in top leadership roles at vegan companies and nonprofits. Hopefully this will help turn things around!