by KindMeal.my
Let V Kitchen Restaurant delight you with tasty, authentic oriental dishes! Prepared with fresh and healthy ingredients, topped with a creative touch. Enjoy 20% off these oriental delicacies!
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy 20% off oriental delights:
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in Restoran Bindhu's Vegetarian Mutton & Chicken Briyani, specially for the Tamil New Year today! Enjoy 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
When this baby rhino was rescued, he was too little to play with the older rhinos at his sanctuary. So he was introduced to a goat instead!
by KindMeal.my
Raw Chef Yin enjoys a sumptuous steamboat buffet at I Love Veggie Steamboat 爱。回锅! Feast with 20% off:
by Vegan.com
Indiana's Rose Acre Farms recalls more than 200 million eggs after 22 sickened with salmonella. The company was at the center of a Humane Society cruelty investigation in 2010.
by Compassion Over Killing
Today in Tyson Foods' hometown: “Chickens” took to the streets during the annual #HogeyeMarathon sponsored by the poultry giant to urge it to join the race against cruelty. Learn more & take action: bit.ly/TysonExposedAgain
by Vegan.com
Another example of why, if you are interested in going vegetarian, fish might be the first food to remove from your diet rather than the last.
by Compassion Over Killing
We're going live! Join our Vegan Food & Lifestyle Coach, Jessica Carter, as she shows you all of the awesome prizes you can win for taking the VegPledge for #VegWeek2018. Friday at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST!