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70-Year-Old Elephant Rescued
by KindMeal.my, 07 August 2015
70-Year-Old Elephant Rescued

This video details the rescue story of Noi Nah, a 70-year-old female elephant rescued from a trekking camp by the Save Elephants Foundation. Noi Nah is blind in one eye, and on being rescued, she also appeared to be significantly dehydrated.

The narrator of the video explained: “All elephants we have transported were very nervous and emotional when travelling in the truck. We (could) sense Noj Nah’s fear. She must (have been) worried about what was going to happen to her, so we let our volunteers talk to her and comfort her all the time.”

Elephants who work in trekking camps – just like all other animals who are exploited for human ends – are not naturally inclined to this role. In order to be prepared for the task of walking around with people on their backs for an extended period of time – often in unpredictable weather conditions – they must go through a rigorous breaking-and-training process known as “phajaan.” Phajaan involves forcibly separating a young elephant from her mother and her clan, imprisoning her in a small wooden enclosure, with mahouts starving and beating her until she have learned the tricks of the trade.

Luckily, Noi Nah’s story ended happily, with her arrival at the Elephant Nature Park, Thailand, where she will be free to live out the rest of her days in peace and tranquillity.

When travelling, please think of Noi Nah and her companions before agreeing to go on an elephant trek. Imagine -- 70 years of being exploited and mistreated! For farmed animals, life is often no less miserable, and it's only a lucky few that get rescued and are able to live out their lives in sanctuaries. What you do in your leisure time and what you eat has a direct impact on animal welfare. Even by eating less meat, you can make a measurable change!

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