Lawn ornaments? In bad taste. Oh, and they taste bad, too
Lawn ornaments? In bad taste. Oh, and they taste bad, too.
This plastic deer never stood a chance. The peace and safety of his natural habitat in a suburban backyard was shattered recently when a large bear decided to meander through without warning — leaving behind only carnage (of sorts) in his ruthless, ridiculous wake.
Even as the menacing-looking predator approached, the deer remained frozen and unflinching — not so much out of fear, but more likely due to the fact that he is made out of plastic. And this seemed to do little to dissuade the silly bear from making him his prey that day.
With a swipe of the bear's powerful paws, the plastic animal's head was taken clean off. The victor then posed a moment with his grim prize. The bear showed exactly zero remorse.
And just like that, the lawn ornament's grassy kingdom was conquered, ceded to the bear without so much as a whimper — except maybe later on from the homeowner who bought him and put him there. The bear, meanwhile, left just as quickly as he came — perhaps to plan his next attack on some unsuspecting gnomes or pink flamingos.
Don't let this happen to you. Sink your teeth into proper food — a healthful, meat-free meal that's delicious and loaded with nutrients. Next time you're feeling peckish, don't chew up your neighbour's plastic ornaments; surf over to and see what's on promotion this week.
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