**UPDATE: Please use new extension 4122! Original voicemail box now full, thanks to Y..
**UPDATE: Please use new extension 4122! Original voicemail box now full, thanks to YOUR calls in support of birds** --- TODAY: Join our nationwide call-in! Tell the National Chicken Council to give cruel “nose bones” the boot.
Sample message: "Hi, my name is _____ and I’m calling as a concerned consumer to ask the NCC to update its welfare guidelines to prohibit the use of barbaric “nose bones.” A former Tyson employee was recently convicted of cruelty for using “nose bones,” and 17 of the top 20 chicken producers, including Tyson, Perdue, and Pilgrim’s, have already confirmed to Compassion Over Killing that they are phasing out or do not use them. When will the NCC give cruel “nose bones” the boot once and for all in its broiler breeder guidelines? Thank you."
Source: Compassion Over Killing
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