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#REPOST • COK’s @veganmermaidwarrior visited @marthastewart's book signing in DC to urge her to take action to address the #cruelty exposed in @compassion_over_killing's latest underccover investigation of her salmon supplier, including fish being thrown great distances, confined in filthy tanks by the thousands, and left to suffocate in waterless buckets. Instead of taking meaningful action, she claimed, "Oh, that was a setup!" You decide: Watch the footage at COK.net and comment with your thoughts for Martha below! 🐟 . . . . #fishfree #friendnotfood #vegansofig #marthastewart #marthascruelty #salmon #vegansofinstagram #activism #bethechange #cruelty #compassion #fish #booksigning #investigation #vegan #mermaid #realmermaid #mermaidlife #animalrights