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Our Self-care Tip This Week Is To Pay Attention To What You''re Eating. Sure, You..
by Animal Equality, 30 April 2020
Our self-care tip this week is to pay attention to what you're eating. ๐Ÿ˜Š Sure, you may have stocked up on instant ramen on your last trip to the grocery store (don't worryโ€”we don't blame you!) but don't forget to get enough nutrients during quarantine, too. Try incorporating plant-based foods and a rainbow of fruits and veggies into your day to get a range of vitamins. ๐ŸŒˆ When you eat plant-based, you'll also feel great knowing that nobody was harmed for your meal, so it's a win-win! Check out loveveg.com for recipes and tips.

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles