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Songbird Entertains Dining Dog
by KindMeal.my, 22 August 2014
What's better than candlelight fine dining with a violinist? Having your very own songstress at home performing live during meal times!

Watch this happy Cockatiel birdy enthusiastically performing a highly improvised rendition of Yankee Doodle to her furry friend who is having a meal.

And her merry expression tells it all – she truly enjoys performing masterpieces for others! This songbird will surely have a brighter singing career ahead than many singers.

Birds are adorable and highly intelligent. Including chickens and ducks that often sadly end up in people's bellies. Let's show our appreciation for these little birds by enjoying a meat-free meal at http://KindMeal.my/

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp4vs8QMv7Q « Back To Articles