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Man Races Macaw Buddy
by KindMeal.my, 20 September 2015
Man Races Macaw Buddy

With all the stories you hear about a "boy and his dog" you'd think there'd be more incredible tales of animal companionship floating around the world. A boy and his turtle. A girl and her chicken. While we wait for those stories to surface, we have one incredible relationship to tell you about involving Vito the macaw and his human. These two best friends pass the days by racing. Yes, this man races his macaw.

Marvel at Vito's elegant beauty as he glides through the air alongside his owner's motorcycle. Enjoy the beautiful Greek countryside, and then wish you had a relationship with a macaw that is this down for adventure. Take care of your human, Vito, and keep on racing. You set a standard of excellence for animals everywhere.

Meanwhile, try racing to your nearest and favourite http://KindMeal.my partner for an animal-friendly, meat-free meal -- a victory for all species!

Source: http://goo.gl/KD9DeA « Back To Articles