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Lost Pig & Dog Pals Return Home
by KindMeal.my, 28 September 2015
Lost Pig & Dog Pals Return Home

A friendship this unique deserves the happiest of endings.

Earlier this week, a portly pig named Petey and his friend, K 2 the dog, got themselves into a bit of pickle. Unable to resist the opportunity to have a little adventure, the unlikely animal duo somehow managed to break free of the backyard in Seffner, Florida, where they're kept as beloved pets.

But while the big wide world beyond might be fun to visit, their family was worried it might become a permanent stay after they failed to come home.

Fortunately, Petey and K 2 were eventually found, as news station FOX 13 reports — both safe and sound in the sweet company of one another.

Pigs and dogs are equally intelligent, and as we can see, friendship and brotherhood holds no barriers across species. Both deserve to be treated equally by us humans – as friends, not food. Enjoy a delicious meat-free meal at http://KindMeal.my

Sources: http://bit.ly/1O2nSht, http://thedo.do/1My1Akm « Back To Articles