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What The Usda Is Allowing Slaughterhouses Do To Animals Is By Far The Spookiest ..
by Compassion Over Killing, 01 November 2020
๐Ÿ’€ What the USDA is allowing slaughterhouses do to animals is by far the spookiest thing happening this Halloween.

In recent years, the USDA has pushed for the expansion of a program that allows for animals to be slaughtered at dangerously high speeds, putting
workers and animals alike at greater risk.

Initially, the legal limit on pig kill lines was 1,106 animals per hour. Now, there is no limit.

Our undercover investigators have witnessed pigs being beaten, shocked and even stunned improperly so they are not ensured to be unconscious before being put into tanks of scalding hot water. Others, unable to walk, are dragged to their deaths.

๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐ŸšจYour help is needed to hold animal abusers accountable. We need to not only expose the suffering of these animals, but we also need to challenge the USDA for allowing programs like this to be introduced.

Stopping them is only possible with your support: Please make a quick, tax-deductible donation to Animal Outlook today by clicking the button below or visiting animaloutlook.org/25years

Source: Compassion Over Killing « Back To Articles