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Get a hug at Big Hug Burger!
by KindMeal.my, 30 August 2014
Get a hug at Big Hug Burger!

Pay a visit to the cozy Big Hug Burger at Subang Jaya and be reminded of what a BIG HUG feels like. If you are feeling generous, you can offer some hugs to the resident teddy bears too.

Enjoy 33% off their delicious meat-free handmade charcoal pasta baked with tomato pasta, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, served with a basket of fries and free flow drink. Don't miss out on their juicy vegetarian burger with overflowing ingredients too.

Download KindMeal.my app now to grab a FREE coupon. No upfront payment, booking or printing – really easy to get a big hug! #BigHugBurger
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