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Newly Hatched Chicks Scalded, Drowned, Crushed, Mutilated And Left To Suffer. Th..
by Animal Equality, 12 January 2022
Newly hatched chicks scalded, drowned, crushed, mutilated and left to suffer. This is what we found in our latest US investigation inside a California Foster Farms hatchery for chickens used for meat.

Animal Equality is calling on local officials to file criminal charges.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, over 81 million chicks die at hatcheries each year. Years of studies and research data show that chickens have extensive emotional and cognitive capabilities and experience a scope of positive and negative emotions, ranging from sadness to affection and admiration. Chickens are sensitive to touch, and their skin contains numerous kinds of receptors for temperature, pressure, and pain. That means that they can feel when they are sliced open or drowned in scalding hot water. The industry considers their painful deaths the cost of doing business.

Fight this cruel industry and animal cruelty by sharing the full investigation: https://animalequality.org/action/baby-chicks-factory-farms. And please, keep chickens and other animals off your plates.

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles