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Hippos vs Watermelons
by KindMeal.my, 20 October 2015
Hippos vs Watermelons

Yes, hippos are cute in an odd sort of way, but they are also very territorial and cause almost 3,000 deaths per year. Deplorable table manners are another of their shortcomings, it seems.

Sharp teeth, a running speed of 18 miles-per-hour and what appears to be a voracious appetite... we hope this young Japanese man has enough watermelons to keep this hippo happy!

If you'd like to eat a meal that won't distress (or kill!) anyone else, try one of the many meat-free delicacies on offer from our partners at http://KindMeal.my. (Just try to be a little more tidy than the hippo, ok?)

Source: http://goo.gl/0BtnFm « Back To Articles