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Fish Are Friends, Not Food Did You Know That Large Fish Farms Can Span The Size ..
by Animal Equality, 01 April 2023
Fish are friends, not food! 🐟 Did you know that large fish farms can span the size of four football fields and contain more than 1 million fish❓

In the US, there are currently NO legislative initiatives protecting the 1.3 billion fish slaughtered every year in this harmful industry. Help us change the system by spreading awareness about the need for legal protections for fish!

➑ Read our latest fish farming blog & share it with your loved ones: https://animalequality.org/blog/2023/03/30/what-is-fish-farming/

✨ 🐟 Leaving fish off your plate is one of the best things you can do to help! By simply choosing plant-based alternatives to meat, dairy and eggs, you are denouncing the suffering of farmed animals every single day. Visit LoveVeg.com today!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles