Did You Know That When A Chicken Feels Safe And Protected In The Arms Of A Human..
💡 Did you know that when a chicken feels safe and protected in the arms of a human, they will close their eyes and purr softly❓ Let's work together to create a world where ALL animals are respected, protected, and valued for who they are, not how they taste.
Animal Equality is working every day to support the end of animal cruelty. We have the power to choose kindness over cruelty every time we sit down to eat. 🐔❤️
✨ Together, we can make a difference and build a better future for all farmed animals. By choosing a plant-based lifestyle, you can help reduce the demand for meat, dairy and egg products, leading to fewer animals suffering. 🌱 Visit LoveVeg.com today!
Source: Animal Equality
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