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Friends, We Wanted To Share The Incredible Progress Animal Equality Made In 2022..
by Animal Equality, 12 April 2023
✨ Friends, we wanted to share the incredible progress Animal Equality made in 2022 for farmed animals, and it's all thanks to YOU.

Your support and advocacy have led to victories such as Italy's ban on killing male chicks and the passage of animal protection laws in Mexico. Through our joint efforts, millions of people have been inspired to choose plant-based options and rethink how we treat animals. Your compassion and dedication are essential to creating a kinder world for all beings.

❤️ As we look ahead to 2023, we're excited to continue this journey with you and see what we can accomplish together.

Thank you for being a part of this important work ➡ https://animalequality.org/report/annual-report-2022/

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