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We''re Fighting For Animal Protection Laws In Chiapas, Mx. Chiapas Is Currently T..
by Animal Equality, 19 May 2023
🐴 We're fighting for animal protection laws in Chiapas, MX!

🚨 Chiapas is currently the only state in Mexico that doesn’t consider acts of cruelty towards animals as a crime. This means animals are not protected under the law. Following our investigation carried out by Animal Equality into the slaughter of horses in Chiapas, we are launching a new campaign to modify Chiapas’ Penal Code so those who abuse animals will be held accountable for their actions!

🐮🐷🐔 If passed, this proposal would be a significant step towards ending the exploitation and suffering of over 100 million farmed animals.

➡ Help us make a positive difference for animals in Chiapas: https://animalequality.org/news/advocating-for-change-a-campaign-to-criminalize-animal-cruelty-in-chiapas-mexico

🌱 By making small changes in our daily lives, we can help put an end to the cruelty and suffering of animals. Consider replacing meat, dairy, eggs, or other animal products with plant-based ones. Join our Love Veg movement and invite your friends, too: LoveVeg.com!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles