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Are You Aware That Chickens On Factory Farms Are Bred To Suffer? Animal Equality..
by Animal Equality, 24 May 2023
πŸ₯ Are you aware that chickens on factory farms are bred to suffer? Animal Equality is releasing never-before-seen footage of the cruel living conditions for these animals on factory farms in Mexico.

➑ Discover the evidence: animalequality.org/news/new-images-by-animal-equality-show-the-short-but-harsh-life-of-chickens/

πŸ”πŸ’” Thousands of chickens in overcrowded and windowless sheds, suffer from constant pain and disease. Chickens are one of the most abused animals globally. In the United States, the largest producer in the world, nearly 8 billion chickens endure similar fates on factory farms every year. Animal Equality is urging consumers to support legislative reforms to protect these animals from such cruelty.

🌱 You can take action to protect chickens today and every day. By deciding on plant-based alternatives instead of meat, dairy, eggs, or other animal products, we can help reduce the demand for this cruel practice and support a more compassionate and sustainable food system. Raising awareness about the inhumane treatment of chickens in the food industry, will inspire change and improve the lives of animals. Join our Love Veg movement today: LoveVeg.com!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles