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Actress Richa Moorjani Typically Finds Herself In Front Of A Camera To Film For ..
by Animal Equality, 16 June 2023
Actress Richa Moorjani typically finds herself in front of a camera to film for television shows and movies. But she recently found herself in front of Animal Equality’s cameras to speak about a cause close to her heart–the exploitation of animals used for dairy. 🐮💔

As a vegan and dedicated animal activist, Richa is helping shed light on who is suffering for every glass of milk. And she is using the power of Animal Equality’s investigations to tell their stories and inspire change.

🔴📹 Richa has an important message for you: https://animalequality.org/campaign/dairy/richa-moorjani/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles