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New Jersey Residents: Take Action To Help Mother Pigs And Baby Cows
by Animal Equality, 18 June 2023
🚨 Attention New Jersey residents - it’s time to take action to help mother pigs and baby cows!

The state legislature is currently considering legislation to ban extreme confinement that prevents mother pigs and calves from having enough space to move around freely. This proposal would allow these animals to have basic protections just so they can turn around, lie down, stand up, and fully extend their limbs.

✨ Show your support of this bill and the animals by contacting your representatives:https://animalequality.org/new-jersey-residents-ban-gestation-veal-crates/

***This is a NEW action form as of 6/8/23. If you live in New Jersey, your voice is needed even if you have previously taken action on this bill!

Source: Animal Equality
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