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Attention Animal Equality Supporters. Join The Conversation With Animal Equality..
by Animal Equality, 20 June 2023
🎉Attention Animal Equality Supporters!

Join the conversation with Animal Equality's President, Sharon Núñez, TOMORROW (6/20) at 12:00pm CST LIVE on our Facebook page!

This is your chance to have an empowering discussion with global leaders of our organization, Amruta Ubale and Carla Lettieri!

Want to join our call directly instead of tuning in on Facebook? There’s still time to register and receive our Zoom link: https://animalequality.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NiGIExYKQUyVwyY_DWAWIg

Can’t make the chat? Here’s another way to get involved…

📅 ⏰ Until June 30th - or until we reach our global goal of $500k - every dollar you donate counts twice as much thanks to an anonymous donor's generous match: https://animalequality.org/donate/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mid2023mgc

We can’t wait to meet you, tomorrow!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles