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Sharon Núñez, President And Co-founder Of Animal Equality
by Animal Equality, 29 June 2023
Sharon Núñez, President of Animal Equality, is calling on YOU to be a HERO to animals!

✨ Our shared passion, advocating for animals as our moral equals, is the fuel that ignites positive change within Animal Equality's global movement. What began as a modest effort in 2006 has now flourished into a worldwide movement for animal protection, saving the lives of hundreds of millions of animals each year.

🎉 Our Matching Gift Campaign is in its final moments, and a generous donor is ready to match your donation. The clock is ticking to DOUBLE the impact for animals across the globe—but only until June 30th or before we reach our global goal of $500,000!

Don't delay, act today ➡️ https://animalequality.org/donate/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mid2023mgc

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