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Three Years Ago, Actress Richa Moorjani Made A Decision That Would Change Her Li..
by Animal Equality, 12 July 2023
Three years ago, actress Richa Moorjani made a decision that would change her life and the lives of animals exploited for meat, dairy and other animals products. She decided to go vegan. 🌱✊

Today, Richa joins Animal Equality in urging you to no longer support the suffering of animals used for food. By reducing or eliminating animal products from your diet, you are helping create a future without animal cruelty.

🌱 Visit loveveg.com to discover delicious & affordable plant-based alternatives to meat, dairy and eggs.

🔹 View Animal Equality's latest investigation presented by Richa: https://animalequality.org/campaign/dairy/richa-moorjani/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social

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