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Sean Thomas, International Director Of Investigations For Animal Equality, Share..
by Animal Equality, 22 November 2023
💔🦆 Sean Thomas, International Director of Investigations for Animal Equality, shares his experience inside a US foie gras farm, where ducks are force-fed and slaughtered for their fatty livers.

🔴 After 25 years, the experience of his first foe-gras investigation is still burned into his memory: animalequality.org/blog/2023/11/21/inside-us-foie-gras-farm/

💪 With #GivingTuesday approaching, double the power of your gift by donating early! Your contribution will be matched, meaning your gift of $50 will become $100, with each dollar usually impacting 26 animals, it will now impact 52.

✨ Don't Wait, Give Today: animalequality.org/donate/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=eoymgc2023

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles