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Join The Movement To Transform The Future Of Farming. Animal Outlook''s Farm Tran..
by Compassion Over Killing, 19 December 2023
🌱 Join the movement to transform the future of farming. Animal Outlook's Farm Transitions program is partnering with farmers to break free from the confines of animal agriculture, embracing sustainable crop growing for a brighter, cruelty-free future.

🌾 Your support of Farm Transitions directly contributes to removing thousands of animals from the agricultural industry, one successfully renovated farm at a time. But that's not all – your generosity also fuels a program that connects schools with fresh, locally grown produce and breathes new life into rural communities exploited by major meat producers.

Make a difference today- donate by December 31st, and your gift will have double the impact – benefiting animals, the environment, farmers, and communities alike.

Join us in sowing the seeds of positive change: https://donate.animaloutlook.org/give/540851/

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