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Animal Equality, Along With Animal Partisan And The Animal Activist Legal Defens..
by Animal Equality, 25 January 2024
🚨 Animal Equality, along with Animal Partisan and the Animal Activist Legal Defense Project, is formally requesting criminal charges against Colorado Lamb Processors and one of its supervisors for lamb cruelty.

πŸ”» On Mar. 28, 2023, a USDA Public Health Veterinarian inspected a Colorado Lamb Processors facility in Brush, Colorado.

πŸ”» The USDA representative discovered a lamb on a conveyor belt where the stunning equipment had failed, leaving the lamb fully conscious as they approached slaughter.

πŸ”» The supervisor used a hand-held captive bolt gun as he attempted to stun the lamb again. Still, the lamb remained conscious, blood pouring from their nose.

πŸ’” After being stunned a fourth time, the lamb fell unconscious and was slaughtered.

πŸ’ͺ We refuse to let this cruelty go unnoticed.

πŸ”— Uncover the full story: animalequality.org/news/criminal-charges-sought-for-lamb-cruelty/

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