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Carrasco Brothers Face Trial In Spain On 14 Counts Of Animal Cruelty, Igniting W..
by Animal Equality, 27 January 2024
🚨 Carrasco brothers face trial in Spain on 14 counts of animal cruelty, igniting widespread global outrage!

πŸŽ₯ The criminal trial follows a 2018 investigation by Animal Equality, along with journalist, producer, and director Jordi Γ‰vole and acclaimed Spanish television program Salvados.

πŸ”Ή During the hearing on Jan. 24, 2024, experts testified to neglect, injuries, and rotting corpses. All without medical care.

The owners deny ownership, blaming a viral infection.

Animal Equality co-founder, Javier Moreno testified that this farm was among the worst he had seen.

πŸ”΄ The trial will resume Feb. 2, 2024.

Read the full story: animalequality.org/news/spanish-pig-farm-owners-face-criminal-trial/

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