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Between August And November 2022, An Undercover Investigator From Animal Outlook..
by Compassion Over Killing, 30 January 2024
Between August and November 2022, an undercover investigator from Animal Outlook delved into the operations of Jannat Farm in Virginia. This facility, contracted by Tyson Foods for chicken production, witnessed the journey of 150,000 birds from small chicks to slaughter. The investigator obtained footage that not only exposed widespread cruelty but also provided evidence that Tyson was aware of the harsh conditions and practices at the facility.

On August 1, 2023, the owner of Jannat Farm was charged with eight counts of animal cruelty, while its manager is facing nine charges, all stemming from this undercover footage. We'll update you as this case progresses.

Many animals raised for food endure horrific conditions like those documented at Jannat Farm. Going vegan helps reduce demand for these products and supports a more compassionate and sustainable lifestyle.

To read more about this investigation and the subsequent cruelty charges, visit https://animaloutlook.org/investigations/investigation-of-tyson-grower-reveals-mass-systemic-cruelty/

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