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Exciting News. Our Very Own President, Sharon Nez Gough, Will Be Taking The Stag..
by Animal Equality, 04 April 2024
🎉 Exciting News!

Our very own President, Sharon Núñez Gough, will be taking the stage at the first-ever Effective Altruism Global Conference at the University of Texas at Austin on April 13th!

📅 #EAGxAustin isn't just another conference—it's a beacon of hope for those committed to tackling the world's toughest challenges. Join Sharon and other like-minded individuals as they gather to explore innovative solutions, share insights, and ignite action toward a brighter future for animals.

✅ Register today: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/events/zRmRXyBYQ7ZnJdkZr/eagxaustin.

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles