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Today, We Celebrated Vegweek At Ucla By Giving Away Free Vegan Donuts And Other ..
by Compassion Over Killing, 16 April 2024
Today, we celebrated VegWeek at UCLA by giving away free vegan donuts and other treats to students who took the VegPledge with the Animal Welfare Alliance at. UCLA We were so thrilled to have Zara Hovelsas, one of our 2024 VegWeek ambassadors join us. Scott David, our Director of Investigations also came along to chat with the students about his experiences as an undercover investigator.

By eating vegan, you can save approximately one animal every single day. So how many people can you get to try vegan?

Share the VegPledge and empower others to try vegan for VegWeek: https://vegweek.com/#pledge #VegWeek2024

Source: Compassion Over Killing « Back To Articles