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Thank You To Everyone Who Joined Us For Vegweek2024 Last Week. We Secured Thousa..
by Compassion Over Killing, 24 April 2024
Thank you to everyone who joined us for #VegWeek2024 last week. We secured thousands of VegPledges from people eager to take action for animals and the planet by eating vegan for a week or longer.

Together, we are truly making a difference.

And it doesn't stop at VegWeek. Our VegPledge is available to take year-round at vegweek.com - why not share it with your friends and family?

Thanks to One Green Planet for covering VegWeek and helping us to reach even more people with a message of compassion for animals and the planet. https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/leading-up-to-earth-day-celebrities-are-speaking-out-for-vegweek/

Source: Compassion Over Killing « Back To Articles