New Investigation Alert. Animal Equalitys Longest Investigation To Date Has Unco..
Animal Equality’s longest investigation to date has uncovered shocking and intentional animal abuse at one of Germany’s largest pig farms.
❌🐷 For 120 days, our team documented rampant violence and neglect among approximately 25,000 pigs, documenting rampant violence and neglect.
The investigation reveals cruelty, with pigs routinely kicked, beaten, chased through stalls, and violently handled by employees, violating European Union law.
▶️ Learn more and take action: https://ae.onl/news-DE-pig-investigation-organicfb.
💔 Time is running out to reach our $500,000 global goal for animals! An anonymous supporter will match all donations until Friday, July 12th at midnight!
Together, we leave #NoCrueltyUnseen: https://ae.onl/double-your-impact-mymgc2024-organicfb.
Source: Animal Equality
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