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Kelli Valade, Ceo Of Denny''s, Is Facing Increasing Pressure From Advocates. Full..
by Animal Equality, 08 August 2024
🚨 Kelli Valade, CEO of Denny's, is facing increasing pressure from advocates!

🐷 Full-page ads in her hometown newspapers, the Allen American and the McKinney Courier-Gazette, along with ten other local papers, demand action.

📲 These digital ads, set to run for a month, call on Valade to end the extreme confinement of mother pigs in Denny’s supply chain.

Discover more: https://ae.onl/kelli-valade-exposed-organicfb

🌱 Take a simple step towards a brighter future for animals! Choose plant-based for your next meal. Visit https://ae.onl/loveveg-organicfb today!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles