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News From Animal Equality Uk. After Receiving Permission From A Uk High Court Ju..
by Animal Equality, 11 September 2024
📣 News from Animal Equality UK!

🚨 After receiving permission from a UK High Court judge, Animal Equality is set to challenge the North East Lincolnshire Council’s approval of the UK’s first fully on-land salmon mega-farm.

🐟 The case aims to ensure planning officials follow their duties appropriately. In turn, advocates hope to stop the construction of this site, which would cause suffering for around one million fish every year.

Discover the full story: https://animalequality.org/news/approval-granted-to-challenge-uk-salmon-farm/.

💙 Stand with us against this cruelty by becoming a monthly donor. Your support powers our legal fight to protect fish and drive change for animals.

👉 Donate today: https://ae.onl/mdc-sep-2024-organicfb.

#StopSalmonFarm #ProtectFish #AnimalEquality

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