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Holden Farms Undercover Investigation
by Compassion Over Killing, 16 December 2024
📺 Breaking: During today's Buffalo Bills vs Detroit Lions game, sports fans will learn about how pigs suffer in industrial agriculture through the Animal Legal Defense Fund's powerful ad featuring our disturbing footage from Holden Farms (check out our video), narrated by Academy Award winner Joaquin Phoenix.
Thank you ALDF and Joaquin for exposing the cruel reality that pigs face in the animal agriculture industry. Your dedication to creating meaningful change for animals is truly inspiring. 🙏
Remember: The most impactful way to help end animal suffering is to go vegan. Every meal is an opportunity to choose compassion. 🌱
Want to make an even bigger impact? All donations made until December 31st will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000 (animaloutlook.org/donate). Double your impact today and help create lasting change for animals. 💚
#AnimalRights #ALDF #JoaquinPhoenix #GoVegan

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