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Animal Abuse Is Bad For Business
by Animal Equality, 02 February 2025
🚨 Animal abuse is bad for business, ALDI USA!

This #grocerychain profits from cruelty. Forcing animals to suffer in extreme confinement.

🐷 Pregnant pigs are locked in crates so small they can’t turn around.
πŸ” Hens are crammed into cages, unable to spread their wings.

Shoppers want better. It’s time for #ALDI to listen.

πŸ’₯ Take action today! Find a protest near you: https://ae.onl/action-events-organicfb.

🌱 PS: Make the compassionate choice. Leave animals off your plate! Visit https://ae.onl/loveveg-organicfb today!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles