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The Forgotten Vitamin
by KindMeal.my, 27 September 2014
The Forgotten Vitamin

Vitamins A, B, C and D get all the glory, as if the vitamins exist in some sort of line-up-in-alphabetical-order. People never seem to get around to worrying about whether or not they get enough Vitamin K. Well, here’s why it matters and how to get it.

What is Vitamin K?

Often (or, truthfully, not that often) cited as the forgotten vitamin, Vitamin K plays crucial roles in bodily functions such as blood clotting, bone strengthening and brain bolstering. It works well with and is vitally needed by others, specifically calcium and Vitamin D, and it is fat-soluble, which means, in order to get the benefits, it should be consumed alongside some fat. (Thanks for that excuse!) Vitamin K comes in three varieties. K1 resides in green veggies and works hard to keep our blood healthy. K2 is made by bacteria, found in fermented foods, and works with the bones, blood vessels and bodily tissues. K3 is synthetic and should be treated as such: It has been linked to toxicity in infants. K2 is the most powerful form of Vitamin K, and the current goal—still being researched—is to have about 150-200 micrograms a day.

Where is Vitamin K?

There are plenty of plant-based foods that provide Vitamin K. The dark and delicious greens—kale, chard, spinach, and Romaine lettuce, as well as collard, mustard and turnip greens—are often packing some K1. The cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts and broccoli in particular, are also K1 contributors. And, let us not forget the renowned blueberry, titan of healthy eating. Other fruit sources of Vitamin K1 include prunes, grapes and raspberries. As for K2, the wonder version of Vitamin K, it can be found in fermented foods, which come with loads of other health benefits, as well. Natto, a Japanese fermented soy dish, contains the highest levels of all foods (take that, meat sources!). Other options are sauerkraut, tempeh and kombucha.

So there you go... to meet your body's Vitamin K requirements, you must turn to plant-based foods. To strengthen your bones and bolster your brain, remember that K is also for KindMeal.my, where you'll find loads of promotions for nutritious, meat-free meals – http://KindMeal.my

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