Statistics now show that 93% of the internet is dedicated to cute cat pictures. Well,..
Statistics now show that 93% of the internet is dedicated to cute cat pictures. Well, all right, perhaps that's a slight exaggeration, but there is a lot of fur on the web. The fact that people are so captivated by animal images is not lost on advertising agencies. These are but a few of the brilliant ad for various things featuring creatures.
The turtle starred in one of a series of ads for Eukanuba dog food, all captioned, "Everybody wants to be a dog." [Leo Burnett, Romania]
In an ad for their on-line photo collection, National Geographic released a series captioned, "There are a lot of terrible animal pictures out there." The gorilla selfie was one of them, but I don't think I'd take it up with the gorilla. [Heads, Sao Paolo, Brazil]
In a series that animal lovers around the world can relate to, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law released a series of ads featuring various white animals in powdered judges' wigs. The caption: "People who abuse animals deserve a tough judge." Hear, hear! [Ruf Lanz, Zurich, Switzerland]
The koala takes the get-in-your-face approach in the ad for Olympus optical zoom lenses. [JWT, Sydney, Australia]
You can keep all your plumage in perfect shape with a Braun precision trimmer, suggests the bird with the mohawk. [Staudinger & Franke]
Let's hope that these clever ads boost human appreciation for the animals as well as pitching products. If you prefer looking at animals to eating them, check out the latest advertised promotions for meat-free meals at http://KindMeal.my/
Source: http://bit.ly/1xcVVZT
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