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Alligator Visits Golf Course
by KindMeal.my, 11 January 2016
Alligator Visits Golf Course

Golfers at a course in Florida, USA had to putt a little more carefully after a huge alligator decided to lounge around the edge of the green.

According to the reporter, a women's golf tournament proceeded as planned. Let it never be said that women golfers lack courage.

On the positive side, the golf course management pointed out that the alligators come up onto the course to bask in the sun on a regular basis, and as there are strict rules to prohibit feeding them, the reptiles have never bothered the golfers. And one presumes that no golfer would be rude enough to prod a snoozing gator with his putter to get it off the green.

This is a refreshing change from humans who feel that animals are intruding into "our" space and kill them accordingly. Alligators like this one have been around long before our species showed up on the planet -- they have squatters' rights!

If you have a live-and-let-live attitude where animals are concerned, show it by eating less meat. You can find enticing promotions on delicious, plant-based meals on http://KindMeal.my.

Source: https://goo.gl/X6r7mb « Back To Articles