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Horses Help Heal People’s Spirits
by KindMeal.my, 12 February 2016
Horses Help Heal People’s Spirits At Special Retreat

There’s a special horse retreat known as Equinsity Retreats, where people can visit and interact with horses to heal body and spirit. People from all over the world travel to the 325-acre ranch in British Columbia to relax with the horses, who are all incredibly comfortable and calm around humans, but also live in family herds as they would if they were in the wild.

Have you ever felt a deep peace come over you in the presence of an animal? One woman in the video mentions the horses' great capacity for forgiveness. We don't need to spend much time around animals to feel their capacity for love and healing, if we only pay attention.

One great way to return the favour is to eat less meat, and that's why http://KindMeal.my is going all out to promote great meat-free dining options all over Malaysia.

Source: http://goo.gl/U9ieXy « Back To Articles