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Where's My Protein?
by KindMeal.my, 16 February 2016
Where's My Protein?

If there’s one question that follows plant-based eaters like the plague, it’s this: BUT WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN?

While that question may earn the ultimate eye-roll from a long-term vegan, it’s understandable why people keep on asking. After all, popular wisdom (and the food pyramid) has long suggested that animal products are the only source of the amino acids we need. That’s completely false, of course … given that bulls get their protein from plants, why should humans be any different?

Luckily, people like David Carter, Rich Roll, and Serena Williams are showing the world that plants build muscle better than their meaty counterparts. (Keep in mind, if you’re not a professional athlete, it’s likely you need a lot less protein than they do.)

So with mythbusting in mind, here are our top 10 vegan protein sources:


While fermented tofu may not sound super appetizing, it’s much tastier than its description may suggest. A four-ounce serving of the meaty ingredient offers up around 21 grams of protein. And it contains every essential amino acid in one delicious package.

Leafy greens

Yes, veggies are a valid protein source — particularly those nutrient-dense leafy greens like broccoli with 4.2g protein / cup, while spinach, Brussels sprouts and collard greens each have 5g protein / cup.

Nut Butter

One serving of that old-school ingredient has nearly a quarter of your daily protein allowance (8 grams). If you’re into traditional eats, stick to peanut butter (preferably all-natural) or opt for the even more mineral-rich almond, walnut, or sunflower butters.


Despite the fearmongering about soy that tends to flood the interwebs, tofu is extremely healthy and packed with nutrients — plus it boasts 10 grams of protein in a half cup serving. Calm your fears with this list of why the ancient ingredient is so awesome, then add it to your stir-fry, breakfast tacos — or even sauces.


Beans, beans the magical fruit … we think you know the limerick. But seriously though, beans and legumes are the BEST. One cup of cooked lentils = 9 grams; kidney beans = 19.3; black beans = 15.2; and garbanzo = 14.8.

Non-Dairy Milk

Made from beans or nuts, non-dairy milks are packed with protein. Organic soy milk has the highest count (1 cup = 8-11g protein), but almond milk (1 cup = 2g protein) or hemp milk are good alternatives (1 cup = 5g protein).

Hemp Seeds

Just one small tablespoon has 5.3 grams of protein — plus fiber, potassium, iron, and vitamin A. Pour on cereal, add to smoothies, or use them as a non-dairy yogurt topper.


It has a whopping 8 grams of protein per cup — and there are more than 100 varieties, so you can go nuts trying ’em all out. Quinoa is awesome paired with stir fry; mixed with non-dairy milk and fruit for breakfast; or mix it in with some hearty soup.

Nutritional Yeast

This condiment has a massive 8 grams of protein per tablespoon. It can make a mean cheese sauce, adds flavor to almost any savory dish (think of it as grated cheese), and one heaping tablespoon more than meets the daily requirement for vitamin B-12.


This dark green sea plant has a well-earned rep as a superfood. Per tablespoon, it has 4 grams of protein, plus vitamins B1, B2, B3, copper, iron, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and lots of other goodies. It’s maybe the healthiest food you can eat, so load it in with those bananas and almond milk.

Best of all, these protein-rich foods are all readily available in Malaysia. If you don't feel like cooking at home, though, try one of our partners' tasty and nutritious meat-free meals!

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Source: http://goo.gl/ROVS9T « Back To Articles