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Swimming With Humpback Whales
by KindMeal.my, 27 March 2016
Swimming With Humpback Whales

Steve Backshall has an amazing experience as he swims with two sperm whales who interact with him in this BBC video. As he points out, we hunted sperm whales almost to extinction in the past (remember Moby Dick, the famous sperm whale of literature?). It's amazing to see the apparent playful, gentle nature of this adult female, especially as she has a youngster in tow.

If only all animals could exhibit such fearlessness when it comes to humans! Farmed animals too often live in deplorable conditions until we slaughter them for food. If you'd like to stop playing a part in this, to make a stand for better relationships between our species and theirs, you can!

Simply eat less or no meat. If you'd like to browse a wide range of meat-free dining options, do check out our latest promotions on http://KindMeal.my.

Source: https://goo.gl/VmYnM7 « Back To Articles