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Is Timing Everything?
by KindMeal.my, 29 November 2014
Is Timing Everything?

Some photographers seem have their cameras at the ready at precisely the right moment to capture pets doing something that's simultaneously adorable and fleeting. Is it skill, luck, or both? Most accomplished photographers will say that the secret to getting great shots of animals is PATIENCE. Be willing to sit quietly, ideally on the same level as the animal, watch attentively, and wait.

There is another thing to be said for this approach to photography -- sitting and observing any animal carefully, whether it's a dog or a cow or a giraffe, will deepen your appreciation and admiration for the animal, even if you don't snap the perfect photo.

Another way to develop and show your appreciation for all the wondrous animals in the world is to eat fewer of them. How about finding a meatless meal on http://KindMeal.my? No special timing or skill required!

Source: http://bit.ly/15Br53H « Back To Articles