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Parahawking – When Human & Hawk Soar Together
by KindMeal.my, 06 December 2014
Parahawking, a sport that originated in Pokhara, Nepal, is now coming to the US. As a new adventure sport, it’s an activity that combines the best of two worlds, namely paragliding and falconry.

Developed by British falconer Scott Mason in 2001, the idea first came to him after taking to the skies with British paraglider Adam Hill. From that first encounter, they then teamed up to train black kites and Egyptian vultures — working only with rescued birds, versus birds of the wild.

Flying with a Harris’s Hawk named “Shanti”, this American team taught her how to parahawk for the very first time. Since that maiden voyage, “Shanti is now a ‘veteran’ and has been featured on Animal Planet, the BBC and the Travel Channel... Parahawking in the United States is not currently available to the general public, though hopefully this will change in the very near future.”

Surely paragliding gives us humans a small taste of the awesome ability to fly. One wonders, do the hawks sense our exhilaration that we can finally experience something that they do? If you think animals should inspire wonder rather than hunger, come and enjoy an amazing yet meat-free meal – there are more options every day on http://KindMeal.my !

Source: http://bit.ly/1vFoqOH « Back To Articles